Bear Bay 23
Bear Bay 23’ Lapstrake plywood trailerable motorsailer
Bear Bay 23’ Lapstrake plywood trailerable motorsailer
Bear Bay 23’ Lapstrake plywood trailerable motorsailer. Profile.
Bear Bay 23’ Lapstrake plywood trailerable motorsailer. Profile.
Bear Bay 23’ Lapstrake plywood trailerable motorsailer. Profile.
Bear Bay 23’ Lapstrake plywood trailerable motorsailer. Deck view.
Bear Bay 23’ Lapstrake plywood trailerable motorsailer. Profile.
Bear Bay 23’ Lapstrake plywood trailerable motorsailer. Interior cutaway..
Bear Bay 23’ Lapstrake plywood trailerable motorsailer
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About the Plans
Construction Method and Materials:
Lapstrake plywood (wide strakes) on plywood bulkheads with stringers. Plywood deck and house. Steel centerboard.Number and Type of Drawings:
Sail Plan, Spar Plan, Lines and Offsets, Dimensioned Bulkhead drawings, General Construction, Construction Details, Arrangement and Deck Plan, Centerboard and Rudder, Ballast Plan, Pram lines and construction.

Close to the minimum size to take 2 people north for a month or two of summer cruising. A very capable boat that can also be trailered.