Yellow Cedar 34NEW 2016/04/24
On the Board (Concepts and Current Projects)
60' Steel Cargo Schooner
60' Steel Cargo Schooner
Pilot Bay 45, Ocean Cruising Home
Pilot Bay 45, Ocean Cruising Home
Pilot Bay 45, Ocean Cruising Home, Schooner Rig
Pilot Bay 45, Ocean Cruising Home, Ketch Rig
Passagemaker Lite 46 plus with sails
Passagemaker Lite 46 plus with sails
Dawkins 62, Ketch-rigged 62' aluminum Passagemaker Lite
Dawkins 62, Ketch-rigged 62' aluminum Passagemaker Lite
Dawkins 62, Ketch-rigged 62' aluminum Passagemaker Lite
42' Steel Halibut Ketch. Multi-chine full keel with round stern in the style of 1920’s halibut schooners.
42' Steel Halibut Ketch. Multi-chine full keel with round stern in the style of 1920’s halibut schooners.
42' Steel Halibut Ketch. Multi-chine full keel with round stern in the style of 1920’s halibut schooners.
42' Steel Halibut Ketch. Multi-chine full keel with round stern in the style of 1920’s halibut schooners.
Bear Bay 23’ Lapstrake trailerable motorsailer
Bear Bay 23’ Lapstrake trailerable motorsailer
Passagemaker Lite 46
Northcoast 26, Double-ended Wooden Cruiser, Schooner Rig
30' Halibut Ketch, Traditional Small Steel Motorsailer
Wedge Point 27, Semi-displacement Trailerable Classic Coastal Cruising Launch. Profile.
Garden Bay 23, Trailerable Motorboat with Sails, Arrangement
Recent Designs
60' Steel Cargo Schooner
A traditionally styled simple vee bottom gaff schooner. Accommodations forward and aft of a 16 foot 9 inch long cargo hold, pilothouse aft over the engine room. Full box ballast keel with integral tanks.Pilot Bay 45
Ocean cruising home. Two basic layouts, aft or mid deckhouse, and two basic rigs, schooner or ketch. Emphasis on large storage areas and big capacity tankage.Passagemaker Lite 46+ Update
PL46+ update carries a 450 square foot auxiliary sailing rig. Even a limited amount of sail can make a big difference in fuel consumption.Dawkins 62
PL Dawkins 62, a sail-assisted 62' Passagemaker Lite for NZ/Dalian builder Kiwi Marine. The new ketch-rigged 62' aluminum Passagemaker Lite is for ocean crossing with French canal capability.42' Halibut Ketch Motorsailer
Ketch-rigged version of the Halibut Schooner 42 with flying bridge. Multi-chine full keel with round stern in the style of 1920’s halibut schooners. Steel or wood.Bearbay 23
Lapstrake motorsailer. A very capable boat that can also be trailered. 295 sq.ft. of sail area, a 9HP inboard diesel or 4-8HP outboard in well, 6’1” headroom in pilothouse, and a 6’6” pram with 3’6” beam carried in davits. For more designs under 30', visit the SMALL BOATS section.Enavigo 39
The Enavigo Power 39, for Enavigo Yachts, is a development of my Yellow Cedar design from 1997. A classic cold-molded launch. Accommodation for 4-5 with maximum privacy. 15 knot cruising speed. ISO certification for coastwise and inland cruising. Now with a new profile.Dean 345 Motorsailer
The 34'5" aluminum ketch is single chine round stern with deep vee sections. Moderate beam and deeper sections for comfort in a sea as well as excellent stability characteristics.Passagemaker Lite 5602
Passagemaker Lite 5602 represents some of my latest thinking on the Passagemaker Lite concept. As she is half the weight of a Nordhavn 55, cost to a similar level will be half while speed is substantially faster and accommodation roughly similar30' Halibut Ketch
A smaller version of the 36’ Halibut Ketch designed to go to sea and actually have reasonable cruising performance under sail. Double berth forward, single in the galley down low midships, and a convertible dinette in the pilothouse. Shipmate wood range in the galley to provide heat, inside and outside controls with good visibility, and easily handled small sails.42' Steel Halibut Schooner
Multi-chine full keel with round stern in the style of 1920’s halibut schooners. Large midship deckhouse with sliding doors P & S, engine and tanks under. Galley below aft, along with a head and two bunks; roomy forward cabin with head.Garden Bay 23
A small full displacement, easily trailerable motor boat with a sailing option and accommodation for 5. For more designs under 30', visit the SMALL BOATS sectionWedge Point 27
27' sail-assisted, semi-displacement, trailerable classic coastal cruising launch. Plywood planking. A development of my Yellow Cedar design. For more designs under 30', visit the SMALL BOATS section