Queen Charlotte Motorsailer 26
Similar Designs
About the Plans
Construction Method and Materials:
Lapstrake plywood.Number and Type of Drawings:
- Full Size Bulkhead Patterns,
- Lines and Offsets,
- General Arrangement,
- Construction Sections,
- Deck lines,
- General Construction,
- Construction Details,
- Stern Gear.
Designer's Comments

The traditional Queen Charlotte Islands version of a Macgregor 26 motorsailer.
Our version is cat schooner rigged with folding masts, a single 40 HP outboard in a well, and lapstrake plywood construction. She is designed to be seaworthy, with reasonable speed (10+ knots cruising speed) to buck currents, and the ability to sail with twin centerboards mounted outboard under the side decks.
Accommodations include a built-in double berth which makes up into a sitting and eating area during the usual day trips. A small galley, two inside helm seats, and a head are included. Heat will be provided with a Navigator Sardine woodstove. Expanded accommodations are available under a boom tent in the large cockpit.