Dean 345 Motorsailer, 34'5" Traditional Aluminum Ketch
Dean 345 Motorsailer, 34'5" Traditional Aluminum Ketch
Dean 345 Motorsailer, 34'5" Traditional Aluminum Ketch
Dean 345 Motorsailer, 34'5" Traditional Aluminum Ketch
Dean 345 Motorsailer, 34'5" Traditional Aluminum Ketch
Dean 345 Motorsailer, 34'5" Traditional Aluminum Ketch
Dean 345 Motorsailer, 34'5" Traditional Aluminum Ketch
About the Plans
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A minimum coastwise cruiser able to cover long open water passages including Puget Sound north to Alaska or south to Panama and the Caribbean. Intended for a crew of two with occasional guests.
The hull form; a single chine round stern with deep vee sections, is a further development of our commercial troller and Bartender Timbercoast designs. These boats all share moderate beam and deeper sections for comfort in a sea as well as excellent stability characteristics. The shallow keel of foil section and balanced rudder will improve sailing ability and control in a seaway.
Accommodation is simple and roomy with the owner’s cabin forward and a single head with galley opposite below. The deckhouse includes seating P&S around a large table, and the inside helm position. Aft of the house is a raised outside helm with additional outside seating aft.