Design Thoughts (At Home & Abroad)
Out now in WoodenBoat and Watercraft magazines: Yellow Cedar 34, Tokara Lapstrake Speedboat, and Pogy 17 Motorsailer
June 29, 20162016/06/29: Out now in the current issues of Wooden Boat and Watercraft magazines, WoodenBoat does a design review of Yellow Cedar 34 and the Pogy 17 motorsailer is reviewed by Watercraft. In the same WoodenBoat issue, in an article about the Great Lakes Boat Building School, there is a nice picture and write-up about a stretched Tokara 16 Lapstrake Speedboat that was built by the school.
Update: 2016/06/12 The 2011 aluminum Timbercoast Troller 22 is now listed at Yacht World. The listing is
2016/02/09:. Just launched after complete refit, Selkie, 15' inboard launch. A traditional, bright finished 15' black-hulled carvel launch with new Briggs and Stratton inboard.
2015/10/24: Plans in aluminum for Sitka Spruce 18, a fast outboard fisherman are now available; a 34' custom cold-molded version of classic motor yacht Yellow Cedar 38 is underway; and a design review of the Barefoot 5.8 by Tad is in the current issue (96) of Small Craft Advisor.
2015/08/13: Barefoot 5.8 is on the cover of the current issue (95) of Small Craft Advisor; story inside by barefootwoodenboats. In the works for a following issue, a design review of the 5.8 by Tad.
2015/08/03: New photos of Barefoot 5.8 racing in the 2015 r2ak and a thread about a modified racer/cruiser version underway.
2015/08/03: The Norwegian Ironbark 28 is for sale. The listing is
2015/08/03: The happy owner/builder of a new Berrypoint26 has a new
thread at the Woodenboat Forum.
2015/05/21: The 15' electric launch is for sale has been sold. It will be refitted with an inboard diesel and towpost.
2015/05/11: New design, the Khutze 26 coastwise trailerable motorsailer. Ketch rig. Spacious interior and airy pilothouse with full headroom. Multi-chine plywood planking built over plywood bulkheads.
2015/04/14: The 15' electric launch is for sale to support Barefootwoodenboat's entry, the Barefoot 5.8, in the upcoming Race-to-Alaska. Bartender Boats' aluminum Timbercoast Troller 22 is also up for sale. For inquires, please contact
2015/04/14: Barefoot 5.8 a planing sail and oar boat and Barefootwoodenboat's entry in this summer's Race-to-Alaska was launched Saturday. The race starts June 4th in Port Townsend and leaves Victoria June 7th.
2015/03/08: A new sailing scow design, the Laura Cove 28. The Laura Cove design came about as the most boat that will utilize 4’ X 8’ plywood sheet material better than the larger Harry II design
2015/03/06: Barefoot 5.8 race team has a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for the sails and a nice design review of the Lambert 28 over at
2015/02/17: New, some nice photos of a recently completed Berrypoint 26. The Wedgepoint 31, a larger custom version of the trailerable classic launch Wedge Point 27, has started construction.
2015/01/12: Barefoot 5.8, Barefoot Wooden Boats' entry in the upcoming 750 mile-long and strictly sail and oar powered Race to Alaska is now under construction and seeking sponsors. Read more at Barefoot Wooden Boats.
2015/01/12: There are some nice construction updates over the winter at Benjamin Lester's blog about building a Ratty, a 20' lapstrake cat ketch.
2014/11/05: Two new custom designs: 31' Wedge Point & an all new top secret Barefoot Wooden Boats' entry in the upcoming Race to Alaska.
2014/03/29: Design Update: Northcoast Double-ender 18 webpage replaces and amalgamates the Northcoast 18 and Double-ender 18 pages to reflect the latest plans.
2014/03/05: New Design: 28' Sail Assisted Outboard Cruiser. About the most basic possible liveaboard coastwise cruiser for two people. The cabin is full width and 13’3” long. The raised deck sides are intended to be full length plexiglass.
2013/12/18: New Design: 15’ inboard diesel launch for UK builder. Based on our successful Seka (13’6”) design, this new launch is to be strip-planked as a semi-production project by J and J Gloucester of the UK.
2013/12/01: New Design: Nu-Wa 20. A tiny schooner rigged junk for day cruising and occasional overnights on Lake Geneva. Plywood construction. The cabin is filled with windows and her double doors open the interior to the covered cockpit that seats four. Large double berth forward, a small galley area, and private head space.
2013/11/30: New views of the classic launch Wedge Point 27.
2013/11/14: Upcoming: Tilikum 25's big sister, Tilikum 32 included in a postscript on barge yachts in "Under the Cabin Lamp", a collection of early 20th century English cruising yarns by Alker Tripp. Out February 2014 from Lodestar Books.
2013/11/01: What's New: On the board, a custom 20' Chinese junk for Lac Leman; currently under construction, a modified Tokara lapstrake runabout at the Great Lakes Building School; and an upcoming design review of the Pogy 17 motorsailer for Small Craft Advisor.
2013/09/27: New Design: Regan 18, another custom version of the DE 18, this one with a new transom and inboard diesel for an Australian boatbuilder. Also new, updated plans description of the Shanty 20, versions A and B. And, in the over 30' power section, photos from this summer of the Wedge Point 27's "big sisters", Yellow Cedar 38 and Memory 38.
2013/08/28: Latest press. The new pilot house version of Harry 2, 30' LOD sailing scow, has been featured at Shanty Boat Living and Viva V is in WoodenBoat's summer 2013 MotorBoats magazine launchings anthology.
2013/08/27: New models for Bear Bay 23, a lapstrake plywood motorsailer close to the minimum size to take 2 people north for a month or two of summer cruising. A very capable boat that can also be trailered with 295 sq.ft. of sail area, a 9HP inboard diesel or 4-8HP outboard in well, 6’1” headroom in pilothouse, and a 6’6” pram with 3’6” beam carried in davits.
2013/06/15: New design Tanu 24, a small full-displacement boat with some accommodations for two people, including a separate head compartment. Forward vee-berth can be a large double, there is space for a small galley and dining for two at a table with convertible helm seat. The aft cockpit is 8’6” long and full beam, room for chairs and an outside table. Aluminum plate over transverse web frames with longitudinal stringers.
2013/05/23: Updates for Shanty 20 version B, 20' trailerable outboard shanty boat.
2013/05/23: Custom updates for Northcoast 26 with Flying Bridge underway, model to follow.
2013/01/02: New Pilot House version of Harry 2, 30' LOD sailing scow.
2013/01/02: Just getting started, a new construction blog on building Ratty, 20' lug-rigged cat ketch.
Selkie, 15' Inboard Launch
Selkie, 15' Inboard Launch
Selkie, 15' Inboard Launch
Selkie, 15' Inboard Launch
Barefoot 5.8, a planing sail and oar boat Barefootwoodenboat's entry in theRace-to-Alaska
Berrypoint 26, on picnic trials.
Berrypoint 26, on picnic trials.
Ironbark 28' Traditional Displacement Boat.
Bartender Boats' aluminum Timbercoast Troller 22
15' Electric Launch
A new sailing scow, the Laura Cove 28. .
Wedge Point 27, Semi-displacement Trailerable Classic Coastal Cruising Launch. Profile and Arrangement.
Plans detail of the 18’ North Coast Double-ender, a small full-displacement workboat, fishboat, or mini-cruiser
Bear Bay 23’ Lapstrake plywood trailerable motorsailer
Harry II, 30' Sailing Scow, Pilot House version
Ratty, 20' Lugger/Cat Ketch
Berry Point 20 Outboard Cruiser with Oak 18 Inshore Fisherman
Nomad 16 Runabout under construction by Nomad Boatbuilding
30' Wolf Island Schooner. Vee bottom plywood cruising schooner
Garden Bay 23, Trailerable Motorboat with Sails, Arrangement
Future Cruiser 28, affordable bluewater cruiser
Fidler 19, displacement cruiser based on BC gillnetters of the 1920-30s. Shown with the Timbercoast Troller 22.
Updated Sail Plan. 25' full keel schooner Big Saturnina, modeled on her little sister Saturnina and the small commercial coasters of the late 1800s
30' Halibut Ketch, Traditional Small Steel Motorsailer
Pearson 28, Trailerable Mini-troller for SE Alaska Waters
New design: 28' Double-ended BC Workboat-style Traditional Cruiser