Tokara 16 Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
16' Lapstrake Speedboat
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About the Plans
Construction Method and Materials:
Lapstrake cedar on bent oak frames.Number and Type of Drawings:
- 1. Lines and Offsets
- 2. Profile and Deck Plan
- 3. General Construction with Full Size Details.

This very handsome classic speedboat is also easy to handle and fast. The owner/builder reports a speed of 45mph (39 knots) with the 60 Hp Evinrude E-Tec motor and two people aboard. “I only slowed down when my feet started coming off the sole.”