Big Alder 24' Simple Flat-bottomed Workboat
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About the Plans
Construction Method and Materials:
Plywood over sawn frames or aluminum.Number and Type of Drawings:
Three Sheets, Plus:- 1. Plan and Offsets
- 2. Construction Details
- 3. General Construction
- 4. Full Size Frame Patterns
Study Plan:
Designer's Comments

Big Alder 24, a big sister to the 18’ Alder designed over 10 years ago. A simple flat-bottomed workboat with overnight accommodations. Her working cockpit is big, over 10’ long and above waterline to be self-bailing. There’s a solid towpost just aft the engine box. The house is narrow so side-decks are wide and easy to use. There is room inside for a double bunk, tiny galley, inside helm seat and a small wood stove. Outside controls include a vertical steering lever on the starboard side and controls on the engine box. She would be a good choice for harbour work boat, island tender, simple towboat, or economical sport fisherman.