Pogy, 12' Standing Lug
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About the Builders - Barefoot Wooden Boats
Barefoot Wooden Boats is a team of talented boatbuilders who specialize in small boat construction and restoration. For more information, please contact:
1+ 250.247.9646
web site:
2925 North Road
Gabriola Island British Columbia
V0R 1X7 Canada
2925 North Road
Gabriola Island British Columbia
V0R 1X7 Canada
Tad is a pleasure to work with, and his amazing ability to combine all our contradictory ideas into beautiful and functional boats is a rare and valuable skill.
Richard Lyons and Quill Goldman, 2004
Designer's Comments

Barefoot Wooden Boats' commission in 2004 was for a sailing dinghy with good rowing qualities for two people. The fourth Pogy was launched April 2006; according to their builders, the pogies have "lived up to all expectations and exceeded some".