Barefoot 5.8 Racing Sail and Oar Boat
Barefoot 5.8, a planing sail and oar boat Barefootwoodenboat's entry in theRace-to-Alaska
Barefoot 5.8, a planing sail and oar boat Barefootwoodenboat's entry in theRace-to-Alaska
Barefoot 5.8, a planing sail and oar boat Barefootwoodenboat's entry in theRace-to-Alaska
Barefoot 5.8, a planing sail and oar boat Barefootwoodenboat's entry in theRace-to-Alaska
Barefoot 5.8, a planing sail and oar boat Barefootwoodenboat's entry in theRace-to-Alaska
Barefoot 5.8, a planing sail and oar boat Barefootwoodenboat's entry in theRace-to-Alaska
Barefoot 5.8, a planing sail and oar boat Barefootwoodenboat's entry in theRace-to-Alaska
Barefoot 5.8, a planing sail and oar boat Barefootwoodenboat's entry in theRace-to-Alaska
Barefoot 5.8, a planing sail and oar boat Barefootwoodenboat's entry in theRace-to-Alaska
Barefoot 5.8, a planing sail and oar boat Barefootwoodenboat's entry in theRace-to-Alaska
Barefoot 5.8, a planing sail and oar boat Barefootwoodenboat's entry in theRace-to-Alaska
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About the Builders - Barefoot Wooden Boats
Barefoot Wooden Boats is a team of talented boatbuilders who specialize in small boat construction and restoration. For more information, please contact:
2925 North Road
Gabriola Island British Columbia
V0R 1X7 Canada
Designer's Comments

Designed to win the 2015 Race to Alaska (R2ak), sailing 24 hrs a day with a three man crew. She is built using the Barefoot hybrid system of sheathed plywood bottom with topsides of lapstrake cedar planks. The interior is completely open with a flat cockpit sole set 3 inches above the loaded waterline. This will offer tremendous flexibility during use, for sailing, camping out, and sleeping at anchor or under way. We hope the boat will have a long life after this first race. Her transom is open to make drainage of the interior simple. Appendages are twin asymmetric bilge-boards and twin outboard lifting/kick-up rudders in cassette mounts. Twin sliding-seat rowing stations with 11 foot lightweight oars will move the boat through calms.