White Pine 38 Downeast Cruiser
About the Plans
Construction Method and Materials:
Construction Plank-on-frame or cold-molded wood.Number and Type of Drawings:
- Lines and Offsets
- General Construction
- Construction Sections
- Construction Details
- General Arrangement
- Tanks and Machinery
- Stern Gear
Base Price:
Cost for emailed pdf’s is $2,500.00. Cost for printed paper drawings mailed is $2,650.00 CAD
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Designer's Comments

First published in Wooden Boat, Number 137, August 1997. Republished in WoodenBoat's MotorBoats Magazine, Special Issue/Anthology on Power Boats, Summer 2012. From the article:
White Pine is a coastal cruiser that is intended to travel at 12-13 knots with economy better than average planning type hulls. At 12 knots she will require about 130 HP or about 6 US gallons per hour, 2 nautical miles per gallon. She will comfortable in a sea compared to a lighter, fatter boat which would tend to bounce around a lot.
Accommodation is centered around the big, bright deckhouse with engine and tanks under. The galley is down forward with a small head and vee berth. Aft is the owner’s cabin with roomy private head/shower. A small aft cockpit provides water access and a nice spot to sit in the evening or fish from.